What to do in the Event of Needlestick Injury or Body Fluid Splash

Important information
In the event of accidental exposure to a blood borne virus, e.g. a Needle Stick Injury, you must follow the below process:
- Encourage the wound to gently bleed, ideally holding it under running water
- Wash the wound using running water and plenty of soap
- Don’t scrub the wound whilst you are washing it
- Don’t suck the wound
- Dry the wound and cover it with a waterproof plaster or dressing
- Seek urgent medical advice (for example from your Local Occupational Health Service) as effective prophylaxis (medicines to help fight infection) are available
It's very important that you report any sharps injury or exposure to blood or body fluids to your line manager (clinical supervisor) immediately. Contact the hospitals’ occupational health department or local A&E (out of hours) within an hour of the injury. A risk assessment will be undertaken and appropriate action taken.
Please ensure you contact our Health, Work and Wellbeing service (HWWB) to inform them of this injury:
- Email: hwwb.admin@sthk.nhs.uk
- Telephone: 0151 430 1985