New Starter Employment Health Assessments

Maintaing your wellbeing throughout training
Our Health, Work and Wellbeing (HWWB) team provide a wide range of face-to face, online and telephone support services to maintain your wellbeing throughout your training.
Once you have been offered a place on a training programme, we will send you an email enclosing a link and PIN number for you to access and complete your new starter health questionnaire.
Please note: You will need to complete this on a laptop or a desktop - this form will NOT be able to submit if you complete via phone or tablet.
Please remember to click 'submit' - if you do not click 'submit', the form will not save and therefore will not be sent.
In addition, you will be asked to upload evidence of your immunisation and blood test history which should be available to you via your current occupational health department, previous occupational health department or university.
Please note: In line with Public Health England's guidance, we can't accept blood results that have not been processed in a British accredited laboratory.
Once you have submitted both the questionnaire and your evidence, it will then be screened by one of our nurses and if required, we will contact you for further information or to attend an appointment. Please check both your email inbox and your spam/junk folder as emails can often get misplaced.
We have 'spoke' occupational health departments in each of our regions where we can make you an appointment if one is required.
All new starter health screenings will be treated under the usual medical guidelines on patient confidentiality.
Vaccination Requirements
Please see our list of vaccine requirements for our colleagues-in-training.
To contact our Health, Work and Wellbeing (HWWB) department, you can choose from the following contact options:

0151 430 1985

The Health Work and Wellbeing Department
Nightingale House
Whiston Hospital
Warrington Road
L35 5DR
Immunisation History Requirements
If you require a copy of your immunisation/ blood test history, please access the request form via the link below. This form can only be accepted if there is a signature in the free text box. Please ensure that you click "accept signature" prior to submitting your form.
Please note: Requests can take up to 21 working days from the day we receive your form.
Where can I go to attend a requested appointment?
We understand that our colleagues-in-training are based all across the UK, so please see below a list of HWWB hubs for each of our regions and where to find them.