Supervisor Self-service on ESR

The Supervisor Electronic Staff Records (ESR) Self-Service provides you with access to view your colleagues-in-training on ESR, and record their sickness and annual leave.
You are also able to sample staff list reports for colleagues-in-training within your hierarchy. These reports have been designed for ease of use when exporting to Excel. It will also be limited to show only the staff placed under your hierarchy with no limit on how often you can run the reports.
Request access to ESR
If you do not have access to the ESR portal, a request can be sent to our Workforce Team. Please follow the steps below:
1. Complete the ESR Access Form
2. Send all of this to
Guidance Documents
We understand that ESR can be tricky so we have provided guides detailed below to help you:
Workforce FAQs
For any further queries related to the use of ESR, please refer to our FAQs below:
- The ESR link isn't working
The new link to ESR is via the ESR Portal as the previous route is no longer available. Please use
- I'm using the new link but ESR is still not working
The newer version may need a different version of Java, refer to your IT department to help if not please contact us in Workforce for assistance.
- I'm not seeing the correct trainees
We need to work to the rotation information that comes from the deaneries but please do let us know as soon as possible if you spot something that isn’t right – we will investigate and correct as soon as we can.
- I've not been given my login details
We endeavour to capture everybody that needs supervisor access with the information available during the transfer, however if you need access and haven’t heard from us please contact us so we can assist.
- How do I become an approver in e-Expenses?
You can find the set up form on our website by clicking here.
- I've never used ESR Self-Service or e-Expenses before
You can find some guidance videos on both systems on our website. If you need any further support please contact the team on