Useful Contacts and Links

Lead Employer not only connects you to specialised NHS support services, but also to external contacts who may be best able to assist with your query. Please visit the links below to find out more;
North West
Health Education North West - Specialty training
Call 0151 479 2700
Health Education North West - GP training
Call 0161 268 9979
Email (GP only)
Health Education North West (Public Health)
East Midlands
Health Education East Midlands
Call 0116 312 0671
West Midlands
Health Education West Midlands
Call 0121 695 2494 / 0121 213 1966
Email (for GP only)
Speciality Training
Financial support
East of England
Health Education East of England
Health Education East of England Public Health
Thames Valley and London
Health Education London and the South East Support Portal
Health Education Thames Valley
Call 0186 593 2000
National Links
Please take a look at the dropdown options for further support given nationwide;
- NHS Employers
NHS Employers assist employers in making sense of current and emerging healthcare issues to ensure that their voice is front and centre of health policy and practice. They provide practical advice, information and generate opportunities to share best practice.
This is a useful website for both NHS employing organisations, you can find out more about them here.
- General Medical Council / General Dental Council
The General Medical Council works to protect patient safety and improve medical education and practice across the UK. Their website allows you to search for ethical and educational guidance, how to raise a concern and provides advice regarding support services available for doctors for example, those who are experiencing health issues and undergoing FtP investigations.
The General Dental Council (GDC) is the UK-wide statutory regulator of dentists. Their primary purpose is to protect patient safety and maintain public confidence in dental services. Their website provides dentists with key information regarding registration, dental education and support services available in the event of any health issues or investigations.
- British Medical Association and Local Committees
The British Medical Association (BMA).are a recognised trade union for Doctors in the UK providing a range of support services including employment advice and support on both an individual and collective basis as well as career and L&D advice and support.
Additionally, Local Negotiating Committees (LNCs) are made up of elected local representatives who negotiate and have the authority to make collective agreements, with local management on behalf of medical and dental staff of all grades. We have a LELNC with a membership including specialty doctors accredited by the BMA to negotiate on behalf of their members. You can find out more information here.
- Medical Research Council
The Medical Research Council (MRC) invests in research on behalf of the UK tax payer. Scientists apply to the MRC for funding for their research and applications are reviewed by panels of independent experts. MRC works with universities, industry, units and institutes to train and develop the next generation of research leaders and provides careers support.
- Psychological and Emotional Wellbeing
The GP Health Service
The GP Health Service is a confidential NHS Service for GP’s and GP trainees in England. The GP Health Service provides help and support to Doctors who may suffer from medical issues relating to mental health concerns, including stress, depression or an addiction problem ensuring support pathways are in place to assist a return to work/ provide ongoing support whilst in work.
Further Support
For information on additional support services offered, please visit the dedicated wellbeing support page.
- Support in your daily working life
Medical Professionalism Matters Programme
The Medical Professionalism Matters Programme explores the real life challenges experienced by today’s medical professionals and was developed by a group of healthcare organisations, led by the GMC. The site brings together discussions and ongoing dialogue to share ideas and best practice for tackling challenges.
HOPE provides support and advice for Doctors with a disability or chronic illness. The site was created by a Doctor as a sign-posting service direct to relevant services and advice.
Practitioner Performance Advisory Service
This service provides impartial advice to healthcare organisations to effectively manage and resolve concerns raised about the practice of individual Doctors, Dentists and Pharmacists.
- National Clinical Assessment Service (NCAS)
NCAS works to resolve concerns about the practice of Doctors, Dentists and Pharmacists by providing case management services to health care organisations and to individual practitioners.
- The National Performers List
All GPs must be included on the National Performers List before starting to work as a GP of any kind, including being a locum in England. NHS England have agreed that all GP registrars seeking to join the National Medical Performers List (NPL) from the August 2017 recruitment cohort onwards, will not be required to submit an application form (NPL1) or undertake a face-to-face identity check. You can however utilise the website to notify the NPL of any changes to your circumstances such as resignation or referral to the GMC.