Foundation Dentist-in-Training FAQs

Please review the Foundation Dentist FAQs which will help answer many queries you may have concerning your training.
- Contacting Lead Employer
How can I contact the Lead Employer?
Please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team at 0151 478 7777. Alternatively, you can email the team at The Helpdesk Team are on hand to assist with any questions you may have relating to your forthcoming employment.
Where can I find policies relating to Mersey and West Lancashire Lead Employer?
All policies relating to Mersey and West Lancashire Lead Employer can be found on our website here.
- Pay Related Matters
How do I contact the payroll department at Mersey and West Lancashire from 1st September?
The Payroll contact number for pay queries post 1st September 2022 is 0151 478 7777 (option 4). Alternatively, you can email the team at
How do I access my payslips and P60's electronically?
You will be given access to your new MYESR account, accessible via a username and password. This will be communicated to you by our Workforce Systems and information Team in advance of your pay day in September.
When do I get paid?
You will be paid on the 28th of each month by Mersey and West Lancashire as the Lead Employer. Where this date falls over the weekend or a bank holiday, in these circumstances you will be paid on the working day immediately prior to the 28th. For example, if the 28th falls on a Sunday you would be paid on the Friday 26th.
How do I join the pension scheme?
Every employee is entered into the NHS Pension scheme upon commencement unless they are not eligible to join or choose to opt out. More information about the NHS Pension scheme can be found by visiting their website here.
When will I receive my contract of Employment?
Contracts of Employment will be issued following confirmation that all your pre-employment checks have been completed.
- Health Work & Well-Being (Occupational Health)
If I require an HWWB referral, will I have to travel to Merseyside for an appointment?
No, Mersey and West Lancashire Lead Employer work with local ‘spoke hospitals’ to arrange HWWB appointments. All HWWB referrals are managed via the Mersey and West Lancashire HR Case Management team who are contactable at Foundation Dentists who have an underlying health condition/s who wish to notify and discuss these further with the Lead Employer, should contact a member of our HR team at
- GDC & National Performers List
How do I apply for GDC and NPL number?
Ensure immediate application to GDC (How to join the register ( is made and once confirmation is received, apply to join the National Performers List here.
- Uniforms
Who is responsible for providing me with a uniform?
The Host organisation will issue you with a suitable uniform.
- Receiving your HWWB Fit Slip
Where do I get my Fit Slip in order to apply to the NPL?
This will be sent to you through your TRAC account by the Lead Employer immediately upon receipt from the HWWB team. Please ensure you have attended any appointments arranged by the HWWB teams, as failure to do so may result in a delay in your commencement date.
Alternatively, you can view the relevant Foundation dentist-in-training FAQs highlighted in green above by clicking here.