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Reasonable adjustments policy and passport 

This policy applies to all colleagues-in-training employed by MWL Lead Employer, including those training in Public Health, employed under Agenda for Change Terms and Conditions.

Developed in consultation with disabled staff, managers and the Building Abilities Network, the passport and guidance offers a template and supplementary information for staff and managers to document decisions around workplace adjustments.

Find more information about the policy here.

Access to Work

Access to Work is a UK Government initiative aims to support people with disabilities to get jobs and stay in work. It does this by providing employers with grants for specific support for a named disabled employee or candidate. Access to Work does not arrange or supply the support directly.

Access to Work also conducts workplace assessments as part of this process, to work out what barriers the employee or candidate is facing and what will help address them. They also offer a Mental Health Support Service.

Learn more about what help is available, how much a grant covers, the application process, and more here!

Updating disability on Electronic Staff Record (ESR)

24 per cent of the UK’s population – 16 million people – have a disability (according to the department for work and pensions data for 2021/2022).

The prevalence of disability rises with age: only 11 per cent of children have a disability, compared to 23 per cent of working age adults and 45 per cent of state pension age adults. As we live and work longer, it's becoming even more likely that many of us will be working with a disability at some point in our lives.

Why update my ESR status to disabled?

Having accurate data recorded for our colleagues-in-training is important for us to make more meaningful and impactful changes to our workforce strategies. Creating a more inclusive environment in the workplace is key because research shows that a motivated, included, and valued workforce.

For more information and the step-by-step process on how to update your status, please check out the ESR updating disability status presentation.

Also find further important ESR information here.