
Providing relevant references is essential
Whether you currently work within the NHS or are new to the system, it's an essential part of pre-employment checks to provide us with relevant references.
Here, we explain the different types of references we may require from you to complete this compulsory check and how to provide Lead Employer with the relevant documents.
Obtaining references from Oriel
The references are attached with the oriel application however if the completed references do not cover the time period needed we will request further referee details.
- If you currently work within the NHS
If you're joining us direct from within the NHS, then we require a reference from your current employer covering the last twelve months of your employment history.
For example, if you were to join Lead Employer in August 2024, then we would require a relevant reference covering August 2023 until August 2024.
- If you currently work outside of the NHS or outside of the UK
If you'e joining us from outside of the NHS or outside of the UK, then it is essential for you to provide relevant references covering the last three years of your employment history.
For example, if you were to join Lead Employer in August 2024, then you would need to provide references covering from August 2021 until August 2024.
- If you have any gaps in your employment history over the last three years:
For new starters who may have experienced a gap in their employment history over the last three years, we require a character reference to cover this period of time. You simply need to provide your TRAC administrator with your referee contact details so that they can request this reference on your behalf.
Please note: When supplying your referee details, you must send through a professional email address of which your referee can be contacted on.
- Who is a suitable character reference?
A suitable referee is defined as a person of some standing within the community i.e. someone with a professional background.
- Accountant
- Bank / Building Society Manager
- Barrister
- Chairman / Director / Manager of a limited company
- Chiropodist
- Councillor
- Dentist
- Director / Manager of a VAT registered Charity or registered company
- Engineer (with professional qualifications)
- Financial Services Intermediary
- Fire Service Official
- Licensee of a Public House
- Local Government Officer
- Associate or Fellow of a professional body
- Merchant Navy Officer
- Minister of a recognised religion
- Nurse
- Officer of the Armed Forces
- Optician
- Pharmacist
- Police Officer
- Social Worker
- Solicitor
- Surveyor
- Teacher / lecturer
Guide on employment history and references
Take a look at our how-to-video below highlightING everything you need to know regarding your employment history and references.