Further support

Reasonable adjustments
The Equality Act 2010 requires employers to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to make sure disabled staff aren’t substantially disadvantaged when doing their jobs. The Trust therefore has a legal requirement to make reasonable adjustments for disabled staff. When the duty arises, we are under a positive and productive duty to take steps to remove, reduce and prevent obstacles
Not all neurodivergent people will consider themselves disabled, but neurodivergent conditions are likely to meet the legal definition of disability under the act.
Potential reasonable adjustments that could be implemented depending on your needs;

For more information regarding the Equality Act, reasonable workplace adjustments see link here https://www.gov.uk/guidance/equality-act-2010-guidance
You don’t need a diagnosis of a condition to ask for reasonable adjustments. What is important to consider is the effect of the impairment, not the cause.
We have also created guidance on reasonable adjustment passport
The aim of the passport is to minimise the need to re-negotiate workplace adjustment every time you move work location and provide colleagues-in-training and their line mangers with a structure for discussions about workplace adjustments

Software Accessibility Features
Microsoft Teams Accessibility Features tutorial video on YouTube.
Access to Work
Access to Work (AtW) is a UK government initiative that aims to support people with disabilities get jobs and stay in work. It does this by providing employers with grants for specific support for a named disabled employee. Access to work does not arrange or supply the support directly.
Access to work also conducts workplace assessments as part of this process, to work what barriers the employee is facing and what will help address them.
For more information please click here

Disclosing disability
Disclosing a disability is an individual decision, and there is no obligation on anybody to do so. However, there are many reasons why disclosing a disability to your employer is a positive action that will empower, protect, and assist you in the workplace.
Disclosing a health condition will allow us and NHS England to identify the support required and ensure that reasonable adjustments are in place to support an colleague-in-training throughout their training.
Contact us
Whether you are a colleague-in-training, a practice manager or an supervisor, our Helpdesk is here to support you.
Call 0151 478 7777
Email lead.employer@sthk.nhs.uk
(Monday-Friday / 9am-5pm)
*Please include your specialty, region and GMC/GDC number in the title of your email along with a brief description of your query.