End of Fixed Term Contract - Checklist

In preparation for the end of your employment with Lead Employer, colleagues-in-training must be aware of the below information.
Final payslip
Your final payslip and your P45 will be sent directly to your home address currently registered with us. If your address has changed, please access your Personal Details on ESR Employee Self Service and update as appropriate with your current address as soon as possible. However, the P45 will only be issued once payroll has closed and all final monthly payments have been made. For example, if you finish on 2nd August 2023, you P45 will be issued early September 2023.
If a P45 is required earlier than this date, you can download a Starter Checklist from Gov.uk which will be sufficient for your new employer to action.
Employee self-service
Access to employee self-service will cease on the date you are leaving. Therefore you must access employee self-service prior to your actual leaving date to ensure you download copies of previous payslips and P60’s for your records. We cannot provide copies of these once you have left.
EASY Expenses
Access to EASY Expenses will cease 4 weeks from the date you are leaving. You must enter all outstanding expense claims within 4 weeks of your leaving date.
The pension reference number is the SD reference number shown on the bottom left hand corner of your payslip, this is your unique pension identifier to pass on to any future employer.
NHS Collaborative Bank – MWL
If you're registered with the NHS Collaborative Bank – your end of fixed term contract date also ends your employment with the NHS Collaborative bank. Please do not book any further shifts after your end of fixed term contract date.
To continue working bank shifts after this date please contact the trusts directly to join their trust banks. For further information please contact the team at nhs.collaborativebank@merseywestlancs.nhs.uk
Applying to join the Medical Performers List AT THE RIGHT TIME (and not before)
As you may be aware, you are required to be included in the English Medical Performers List to work independently in NHS general medical practice in England. The regulations have been amended during the Covid-19 pandemic, such that GP Trainees are NOT required to be on the Performers list, and only need to take action to join at the end of their training programme as outlined below.
Please apply at the right time, as applying too early will not lead to your joining the list, and will cause additional unnecessary administration for you and the supporting teams with whom we closely work.
It is anticipated that upcoming changes to the Regulations will make this permanent, hence you should follow this advice until further notice. See below details.:
- For ST1 and ST2 trainees
Please do not apply to the Performers List at this stage. Due to the Covid-19 amendment to the Performers List Regulations, GPRs are not required to be on the Performers List whilst in training. While this is a temporary amendment, it is anticipated that upcoming changes to the Regulations will make this permanent.
- For ST3 trainees
Your name may already be included on the list as arrangements may previously have been made for your inclusion either before you started training or while you were in training, prior to the Covid-19 pandemic rules. You can check if your name is already on the Performers List Search - Performers List for England.
If your name is not already included on the Performers List you will need to make an application to join it, but NOT BEFORE you are within 6 calendar months of your anticipated CCT date.
ST3 trainees only should submit an application to join the Performers List no later than 3 months prior to CCT.
In other words, you should only complete your application between 3 and 6 months BEFORE your expected CCT date. If the application is started too late, it may result in you not being able to work immediately as an independent qualified GP.
You can start your PCSE Online application form here.
- For all newly qualified GPs
Please note: it is essential that you apply to the Performers List as a GP Registrar and not as a GP Performer. This information is captured in the capacity section of the application form. Please select medical and then GP Registrar.
Your completed application will be considered by your regional NHS England Performers List team and, once accepted, you will appear on the Performers List as a GP Registrar. You can change your Performers List status after qualification, as described below.
Once you have your CCT, please log into PCSE Online and change your status to GP Performer. Further details of now to do this can be found here.
Many thanks for following these rules carefully. If you have any doubts please visit the links above for more information.