Pay Protection

Are you entitled to Pay Protection?
- If you have been recruited in to what is designated as a ‘hard-to-fill training programme’ then you could be considered to get pay protection. However, we suggest that you read the guidance as well as the terms and conditions to find out if you're eligible for pay protection. You can find information on pay protection in paragraphs 46-52 of Schedule 2 of the 2016 Terms and Conditions.
- If you have previously been on the 2016 contract, then you will have already been assessed for transitional pay protection i.e. cash floor under this element of the contract. If pay protection has been awarded, i.e. cash floor, to you then please send in confirmation from your previous employer. If we do not receive this evidence then it will be assumed that you're not entitled to a cash floor.
- If you have not previously been assessed for pay protection, and having read the terms and conditions you could be entitled, then please send us an email as this must be done as soon as possible following the receipt of your offer. Upon review of the relevant information, should you feel you are eligible for pay protection, then we will require copies of the following:
- Most recent payslip from your previous employer
- ARCP (If Applicable)
- Confirmation of employment letter confirming job title, start and end date of employment and salary
- Contract from recent/current employer
Please note: As per our standard procedure, we don't confirm pay protection prior to completion and return of your pre-employment documents, as you're required to meet NHS pre-employment check standards first. Where possible our team attempt to speed up the process by requesting relevant documents (as above). Please complete the pay protection online form for processing by the relevant team.
Pay Protection - re-entering training from a career grade
Please complete this form here if you believe you're eligible for pay protection in line with Schedule 2, Paragraph 58-61 of the 2016 terms and conditions.
Please note the below are nationally recognised career grades that we protect to:
- Specialty doctor (2001)
- Specialist (2021)
- Consultant (2003)
- Closed grade – Specialty doctor (2008)
- Closed grade – Associate specialty (2008)
Guide on Pay Protection
Take a look below at our how-to-guide on all things pay protection including what we will need from our employee to process this request.