
Out of Programme Leave
For any colleague that is interested in taking a planned period out of their training programme, please refer to the below information that will outline this process. You will find all relevant contact details for each NHSE region that will process this request on your behalf.
You will need to request the application form from NHS England via the contact email addresses below:
North West - england.gptraining.nw@nhs.net (for GP trainees only)
East Of England - england.oop.eoe@nhs.net
West Midlands - For GP trainees and other specialities - england.gpprogrammes.wm@nhs.net
East Midlands - For GP trainees - england.gpprogrammes.em@nhs.net other specialties - england.specialtyprogrammes.em@nhs.net
Thames Valley - gpadmin.tv@hee.nhs.uk
You will need to complete the form and have your TPD/ Supervisor sign the form (Please allow for 3 months prior notice)
You will then need to send your signed form back to NHS England for them to approve or decline this request. (Upon this decision, NHSE will inform your Trust and Lead Employer of this change to your contract.)
Please note: For study leave requests, please contact NHS England directly as this is a process fully performed by NHSE.