Champion of Flexible Training

What is the Champion of Flexible Training role?
The Champion of Flexible Training role was created as part of the resident doctor contract negotiations in 2016. The aims of the role include creating a shift in culture within the NHS to give resident doctors more flexibility.
The role is also in place to support Less than Full Time (LTFT) colleagues-in-training to have the opportunity to seek expert support and guidance, and implement changes to help where necessary.
Who is Lead Employer's Champion of Flexible Training?
We have one Champion of Flexible Training, Dr Susannah Canning, who is the designated port of call for Lead Employer.
The aims of Dr Susannah Canning in the position are to:
- Troubleshoot any issues that arise with regards to work schedules and training
- A contact point for GP resident doctors and colleagues-in-training in small community settings such as hospices who are currently or considering training less than full time (LTFT) in the future
- Establish a regular forum meeting for colleagues-in-training to attend
Champion of Flexible Training Query Form
If you have any further questions, please complete our query form below: