Pension re-enrolment is coming in June 2025
Published: 26th February 2025
Applicable for those not contributing to a workplace pension scheme (NHS pension or NEST)
Back in April 2013, the Trust reached its pension regulator set auto enrolment staging date and went live with statutory auto enrolment responsibilities and obligations from 1st June 2013.
As part of these responsibilities, we are required to undertake a re-enrolment exercise for colleagues-in-training who satisfy specific criteria every 3 years.
1st June 2025 will be the next re-enrolment exercise and set out below is an overview of the process to be followed and details of who will be subject to re-enrolment.
Who may be affected and re-enrolled?
- Pension scheme members as at 30th June 2022, who have since opted out of the NHS pension scheme or the alternative workplace pension scheme NEST longer than 12 months prior to the re-enrolment date
- Those who commenced in post after 30th July 2022 who have subsequently opted out of the NHS Pension Scheme or the alternative workplace pension scheme NEST longer than 12 months prior to the re-enrolment date
HMRC Pension LTA Protection Certificates
If you have some form of protection in place in respect of pension savings built up above the HMRC Lifetime Allowance, then you may be exempt from the re-enrolment process. Subject to provision of evidence of the protection that is in place, we can remove those holding protection from the re-enrolment process.
If you hold HMRC Lifetime Allowance Protection, then you will have a certificate from HMRC. To be exempt from the re-enrolment process, you must provide a scanned copy of the certificate by 31st May 2025 to
If you hold any HMRC Pension Protection Certificates to cover potential breach of Lifetime Allowance e.g. Primary, Enhanced Protection / Fixed Protection 2012, 2014 or 2016 and Individual Protection 2014 or 2016 and do not provide a copy to Payroll Services before the above date then upon auto re-enrolment, unless you opt out at the end of the first month, you may lose your protection status. You may wish to seek independent advice from your financial advisor.
Where an individual loses either Enhanced or Fixed Protection, you must notify HMRC as soon as possible as HMRC have time limits in which they must be notified. If time limits are not met, HRMC may impose fines. More information can be found below:
When will re-enrolment take place?
For those colleagues-in-training meeting the criteria as stated above, assessment for re-enrolment will take place during June 2025. Payroll will undertake the assessment of re-enrolment eligibility and will write to those who will be re-enrolled after the final June 2025 payroll process.
What will I need to do?
All colleagues-in-training subject to re-enrolment will have the option to remain in the pension scheme or opt out. The arrangements for opting out are as follows.
Opting Out of the NHS Pension Scheme:
Form SD502 must be obtained from the NHS Pensions website. If you do not have personal access to a computer, you can contact NHS Pensions for an opt out form by telephoning the Member Helpline on 0300 3301 346. Please be advised that this form cannot be provided by Payroll Services and cannot be submitted in advance on the re-enrolment.
Any colleague-in-training who is subject to auto enrolment has the right to opt out, but this can only be done once you have been opted in.
Once you have completed the form, email this from your NHS email account to
Opting Out of NEST:
You will only be able to opt out after you have been opted in and you have received your NEST welcome pack which will contain your NEST ID. You will need your ID to complete the opt out process. You can also opt out by contacting NEST online, over the phone or request a paper form. NEST telephone number: 0300 020 0090
Further information:
NHS Pensions – Members Opting Out Factsheet -
Next stage action
At this stage, no action by any colleague-in-training is necessary and current pension scheme arrangements continue to apply. If however, you require any further information regarding auto enrolment then please visit: