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Exception reporting for public health registrars

Published: 26th July 2024

Gudiance for public health registrars

Exception reporting provides you with the opportunity to inform us as your employer if/when your day-to-day work varies significantly and/or regularly from your previously agreed work schedule

What does this include?

  • Examples of when you may wish to exception report include:
  • Differences in hours of work
  • Differences in the pattern of hours worked
  • Differences in the support available during service commitments
  • Differences in the educational opportunities and support available 

Please note: where there are differences in educational opportunities and support available, this is dealt with by the Director of Medical Education (DME) and not the Guardian of Safe Working hours. In the absence of a DME, this role is fulfilled by the Head of School.

Reporting guidance document

We appreciate that there may be a lack of knowledge on how to exception report correctly, so we've produced a public health specific guidance document to assist. To read the full guidance, click here

You should now have access to Allocate to exception report. We've added most rota patterns to the system, but please note that some may not be available yet due to on-going discussions with Head of Schools.

Please email if you have any issues logging on. The HR Governance team will be able to ensure your account is active and your contact details are correct.

Public Health On-Call notification 

Please also complete this form if you are public health trainee who would like to notify us that you are working on calls. This form ties into exception reporting and will need to be completed when you come to discuss your reports. 

Dr Peter Arthur's advice 

Guardian of Safe Working, Dr Peter Arthur has advised that if you're working on-call rotas, you should keep a diary log of non-resident on-calls (NROC) to evidence hours worked across a period as NROCs that are paid on an average basis.

We've produced an example diary log spreadsheet, included in the guidance document above that we would encourage you to use. This will be of benefit to both you and your supervisor when meeting to discuss your exception reports on Allocate.

For all information on Exception Reporting, please visit our dedicated webpage.