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Sasha smashes London Marathon for Leukaemia Care

Published: 25th April 2024

Lead Employer’s HR Business Partner Sasha Rogers completes her first marathon raising £2,250 to help support those who have been affected by a blood cancer diagnosis.

Early mornings, countless hours of dedicated training, and months of mental preparation all culminated in one unforgettable moment of crossing the finish line…

It’s nearly one year to the day since Sasha from Lead Employer’s HR Business Partner and Advisory team first set her sights on marathon glory.

“I've watched the London Marathon on the TV every year and have always been inspired by people that can run, including my Grandad who used to regularly run the marathon before he passed away,” Sasha explained.

“I just sat there with my husband Craig in 2023 and said that I'm going to run that next year, and that’s where it all started!”

Following the admirable example of our trainees who display compassion and commitment to positively contribute to the wellbeing of others daily, Sasha was also equally determined to make a positive impact on the lives of those who need it most.

Her first mission was to identify a great cause to run for which helped ensure that she remained focused throughout the ups and downs of a gruelling training programme.

“I wanted to run for a charity that I had a connection with. I am close to a colleague who has battled with breast cancer, leukaemia and has also had a stem cell transplant, but she thankfully came through the other side. That’s why I have been raising money for Leukaemia Care.

“Having no running experience when I first started training was tough. I hired a running coach in August 2023 who tailored a specific plan to get me ready to run the 26.2-mile course.

“I completed a couple of half marathons in Liverpool and Manchester in the build-up and both times I finished and thought, I can’t do that again! The cause and motivation to achieve my end goal ultimately kept me going.”

Despite moments of doubt and fatigue creeping in, Sasha fulfilled her year-long target finishing last week’s London Marathon in an impressive time of 6 hours and 1 minute.

She ran alongside her husband who was running for When You Wish Upon A Star Children’s charity. After spending longer planning for this big day than she did for her own wedding, it’s perhaps no surprise that there were a few tears of joy and relief when it was all over.

“I cried when I crossed the finish line; I couldn’t believe I’d done it! It was such a relief to know that all the training was worth it.

“I still get quite emotional now with marathon blues kicking in days after. I have entered the ballot again for 2025’s London Marathon so I’m looking forward to hopefully doing it all again.”

Thank you for reading Sasha’s story. Did you or anyone you know run this year’s marathon? If so, share your story with We would love to hear from you!