Download our improved Lead Employer trainee app!
Published: 22nd January 2024
Have you been missing important updates from Lead Employer?
Download our improved Lead Employer app and never miss an update again!
Register to receive key updates as they happen straight to your phone, so there's no longer a need to sift through your emails to find the information we share.
Its range of features will enhance your experience during your time in training. Check it out today and enjoy all the benefits it has to offer.
Search for 'MWL Lead Employer' in your google play or app store and download!
App registration tutorial
Click here to watch a short tutorial on how to register on the app. It's essential that you register using your Electronic Staff Record (ESR) email address.
By registering, this will ensure you receive real-time updates, reminders and information you need to know. We will keep you informed on everything that matters to you!
Should you have any app related queries, please contact: